Cyprus Greek Community "Apostolos Andreas" West Sunshine
Serving the Western Suburbs for over 50 Years
About us
The Cyprus Greek Orthodox Community "Apostolos Andreas" of West Sunshine was formed in 1955. We are please to welcome you to our web site. Spend some time and browse though our pages. Membership is available by contacting any of the committee, all new members are welcome.The community is situated at 10 St. Andrews St, all are welcome to visit us there.
The Cyprus Greek Orthodox Community "Apostolos Andreas" of West Sunshine also has a number of auxiliaries, including:- Greek School from 5:30pm to 9pm Monday nights, this includes, primary, secondary and VCE classes.
- Dancng Group
- Elderly Group meeting each Tuesday from 10am to 2pm at the communities hall
- Leogragraphics Group