Cyprus Greek Community "Apostolos Andreas" West Sunshine
Serving the Western Suburbs for over 50 Years
The Cyprus Greek Community of Apostolos Andreas, was established in April 1955 and has developed in the focal point of reference for all Greek Cypriots and other Hellenes residing in the entire western region of Melbourne. The community was established during the post World War II period when the influx of immigration in Australia was at its peak.
The industrial suburb of Sunshine was the obvious choice to establish this community, as it was accessible to employment, “Massey Ferguson Factory” stood out as the main provider of work opportunities in the area for the many young migrants who made Australia their home. Their efforts were rewarded and vibrant community group went from strength to strength and became one of the major ethnic service providers in the region.
The community covers a wide range of activities ranging from social to cultural to education, etc. And is the pride of many Australians of Hellenic origin. The community of Apostle St Andrews (Apostolos Andreas), was founded in order to address and alleviate the many religious, educational and cultural problems faced by the early Greek Cypriot settlers in the area, most of who originated from the rural region of Cyprus.
The first Executive Committee of the community was officially bestowed at a general meeting held in May of 1955. Since that time the community has initiated many activates that contributed positively to the welfare of its members. It’s early elected Executive Committees quickly moved to fulfil its objectives and obligations towards its members, such as the building of a church, an evening ethnic school, a community centre, etc. Every Member of the Greek Cypriot Community of Apostolos Andreas contributed with immense generosity, their time, knowledge, and expertise to the various community programs. Moneys from small and large donation, raffles, etc., slowly established the necessary funds to commence the construction of the local community owned their services on a volunteer basis’ thus helping the community to achieve its full potential with the minimum financial constraint.
Whilst the church was being built, a small shed on the Communities land was used to conduct the first afternoon school. Schooling was and it’s still considered to be the most important mechanism for the maintenance and propagation of the culture and history of the first Greek and Cypriot migrants who settled in the area. All members of the community believe very strongly that the traditions and language of the first migrants have to be preserved by the children of future generations.
By encouraging the families, elderly, youth, woman, professionals, etc., living in the catchments area of the Greek Cypriot community of Apostolos Andreas, to share and utilise the social and cultural facilities being offered there, the future of this Community promises to be bright.
The Community
The Cyprus Greek Community “Apostolos Andreas” runs a number of activities including the operation of extensive social programs catering for the needs of:
- The elderly
- Youth
- Cultural
- Spiritual
- Education
The current community hall has served the community over the last 50 years. However, the Community has overgrown the current facilities and with the purchase of land from the City of Sunshine is currently building the Communities new amenities to meet the needs of the next generation and beyond. The plan for the development of the “Cyprus Village” is due to the immeasurable moral and material support of its members and supporters.
Although the main demographic of the community is the Western Suburbs the Community offers it services to households throughout Victoria. There are currently 600 families counted as members that enthusiastically support it’s cultural, religious and educational activities. The membership level has been consistent over the years, it is envisaged that there will be further growth with the construction of the Cyprus Village. The current professional status of the community’s membership is: unskilled labourers 57%, tradesman 13%, small businessmen 8%, retirees 16% and professionals 6%.
Since the inceptions, the Community followed a progressive path:
- 1960, the building of the Apostolos Andreas church was completed.
- 1963, a block of land was purchased opposite the church;
- 1967, a small community hall was built;
- 1980, a house in the same street was purchased to accommodate a small school, which is still running successfully;
- 1989, another house was purchased and renovated;
- 1989, the Elderly Citizens club was formed;
- 1993, the Youth group was formed
- 1995, the Community to meet the growing needs of its members, purchased 3 acres from the City of Sunshine to create the new community centre, which will house the elderly, youth and school facilities. It will also house a cultural museum, library, recreation centre and the social services of the community.
- 1997, Joined the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
- 1998, Establishment of the Arts & Cultural club;
- 2002, Inaugural St. Barnabas festival held
- 2002, First VCE graduates.
- 2009, Building of the “Cyprus Village” commenced.
Apostolos Andreas Festival
This is the main social event for the community. The Communities organises a 3 day festival on an annual basis. This falls on the weekend post the 30th of November. With over 7,000 people attending the festival, it has become one of the largest festivals in the Community’s calendar, and has become an institution within the Greek- Australian cultural calendar. Over the years the number of people attending the festival has increased, to the festival can still be staged at the current Community hall and Church till the new Cyprus Village is built.
Apostolos Andreas is the patron Saint of Cyprus thus it is a major event within the ecumenical calendar as well as the social calendar of the Community.